27th June 2018 is
a historical day for me and Indonesia because it was my first time taking part
in Indonesia Regional Election. I got my legal age 2 years ago, but there is no
election in past 2 years. Legal age is one of the requirements to join an
Election, the other one is Indonesia citizenship and has an ID card (KTP).
We choose a governor and
mayor for this Regional Election. I live in Bandung, so I choose a governor for
Jawa Barat and Mayor of Bandung. Actually, I am a type of person that not
really into politics, I barely know the candidates of the election. I know some
people like Ridwan Kamil, Deddy Mizwar, and Oded M Danial, but I don't have any
idea about the rest.
To give your vote in a regional
election, first, you must go to Tempat
Pemungutan Suara (Voting Place). Second, validate your data by showing your
ID card to the election committee, make sure your name was registered in that
voting place. Third, wait until your name is called and then the committee will
give you the election paper. Don’t forget to check your paper, if there any
flaw you can exchange it with the new one. Fourth, go to the voting booth and
give your vote there. There is a sharp object inside the booth, what you have
to do is stab the photo or number on the candidates of your choice. Fifth, fold
the paper and put it inside the box. Sixth, dip one of your fingers in the
purple ink, it's a sign that you have already given your vote on election.
Giving a vote in a regional
election is very simple. As a good Indonesia citizen, I am proud that I can do
my obligation, giving a vote in the election. For anyone that would win the
regional Election, I hope he/she can make Bandung become a better city, and
Jawa Barat becomes a better province. Let's make Indonesia great again!
if there any grammar mistakes.
article was also published on my facebook.
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